The Rebranding Of Belleville, New Jersey - Conceptual Brand Design
Solving Problems
Producing assets that can not only be felt on a psychological level but also on a physical level that the audience can see, hear, smell and or touch leaves a lasting impression. When watching anything on television we are taking in and processing information through not just the spoken word or subtitles but also through the images and especially the colors that are associated with to those images and they generation emotions in our mind. Effective commercials work so well because they tell a story that the viewer can relate to. The music and images tell a story that the viewer can see themselves living through or have lived through. Being relatable and generating a connection through that relatability creates a relationship between the brand and the target audience. The T-shirt and sweater design further promote and elevate the brand when a consumer purchase these items and wears the items in public it is free advertising. Other people will see the shirt and inquire about the significance of the logo thus generating a buzz. The care decal and the stickers are also a good way to advertise for free. When the local community members travel wearing any of these items they are essential advertising and promoting the brand. Currently the Belleville brand has no such representation. By effectively researching the community and implementing all the elements and ideals into the design concept and creating these assets the initial problem of lack of representation and marketing is solved.
Innovative Thinking
Acquiring Competencies
References :
King, C. (2018, May 01). What is a Cinemagraph and How Do They Work? Retrieved from